
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Decreasing Anxiety...Increasing Engagement Project

This school year I was very fortunate to be part of an action research project regarding the negative effects of anxiety on kids. Throughout our journey, we gathered resources that we then compiled into "Toolkits" for every school in our school board. Each kit contains books, read alouds, dvds, relaxation cds and lesson ideas.
I loved this project. It allowed me to use many strategies that I strongly believe benefited all students in our classes.
In May, our team presented our project at the Thunder Bay District Health Unit. We were pleased to see a wide range of people at our presentation, including; social workers, teachers, education assistants, facilitators, healthcare providers and daycare workers.
Here is our Powerpoint; please let me know if you have any questions or would like further details.
This is the link to our blog!