Well, it took me hours (days) but I finally succeeded in making my very own flippy book for back to school. Each year, I try to do something different, as I am very cognizant of the fact that I teach many kids from the same family or many kids for two grades. I don't want to be the teacher who uses the exact same go-to's every year so that parents come in to Meet the Teacher and hand over worksheets that both their kids complete...4 years separately. (Yup, that happened to a teacher I know...)
So, here is what I did.
I used free fonts (KG fonts, Hello fonts, Primarily fonts) and borders from tpt and some cute clipart that was either in ppt already or I had on my computer. That was the easy part.
I decided that I only wanted to have 5 topics in my flippy book: welcome, communication, math, literacy, and general info. The sixth page would be the title page with my name etc.
Then I had to decide which topics required the most information. For example, literacy had more components than communication so it is near the end of the flippy book as the page is longer.
Then, I "guessed" the size of the boxes of text and printed out the papers, glued them back to back and folded them up. This, was BY FAR the most frustrating and time consuming part. BY. FAR.
Okay-so finally everything lined up and was good to go.
I typed my info into the boxes, using a different font for each.
I printed the file.
**I glued the papers together..CONFUSING BUT MUST READ...the flippy books have to be glued or photocopied in a certain way. The title page is glued to the last page (6) upside down...so, you end up with the title box on one side and the general info on the back but on the bottom...REPEAT for every page...that means that page 2 and page 5 go together and page 3 and page 4 go together.
I strongly recommend folding them at this point and jiggying things around if you need to.
My plan is to use 3 colours of bright paper to p/c the pages onto (for 6 pages of flippy book you only need 3 pages), staple and send home for parents. I am trying to decide whether to put a little magnet on the back so that my family's can hang them on the fridge.
So, here is the finished product:
FLIPPY BOOK...pdf version...my fonts, pictures, etc...
will have to add your own text and cut & paste it in...
ppt version-some of the titles are cut off...
you'll have to add your own/jiggy the fonts around...can type right onto page..
What do you send home for parents at the beginning of the year?

Thanks for the template! I wanted to do this for our Open House, but wasn't sure I would have time. Now I do. You are a life saver!!!
Swinging Through Second Grade
So cool! I usually just send home a boring packet.
Chickadee Jubilee
Me too!! I just wanted to do something different because I am teaching the same class this year...